民間東亞論壇──釣魚台(尖閣島)、獨島(竹島)爭議圓桌討論(Minjian East Asia Forum:Roundtable on the disputes over Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands and Dokdo (Takeshima))

Taiwan Normal University, No. 129, Heping East Road, Taipei
《Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements》


The disputes over Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands and Dokdo (Takeshima) have been escalating in the East Asia region, along with the heated emotional energies expressed in different societies. As critical intellectuals living in the region, we are very much concerned that, if the situation continues to intensify, it may lead to military confrontation and trigger off a larger scale regional war. On Friday, September 28, 2012, a public statement, “Stop the vicious circle of ‘Territorial Issue’”, signed by over one thousand Japanese citizens was released. We may not agree with all the points made in the statement, but can feel strongly the honest attempt to critically reflect on the problematic understanding of history, which is radically different from the Japanese government’s position. Living in the region, we believe it is the moment to start a Minjian East Asia Forum and thus call on concerned groups and individuals from the non-state/social sectors to meet and discuss together, with a sense of hope to initiate a further solidarity movement in the future, to contribute to the regional peace via self-critical reflections on the unresolved issues in modern history of East Asia.

劉源俊 Yuan-Tsun LIU(台北),中華保釣協會
陳光興 Kuan-Hsing CHEN(新竹),《台灣社會研究季刊》、《人間思想》雜誌
